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lvl spray tan best eyelash exttension services

 Regardless of having a patch test elsewhere, where a treatment requires a patch test we will need this for our records. A patch test is necessary to see if you are likely to react to any of the products used with each treatment.
What is a Positive or negative reaction?
A positive reaction or result typically means that your skin will have an adverse reaction to any of the ingredients contained in the products we have tested you for.  In that case we would not carry on with the treatment. A negative result suggests that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients contained in the products we have tested you for therefore your treatment can go ahead.
Any  Treatments that requires a patch test are listed below,

All patch tests are free and must be booked online. 

Although a patch test is no longer mandatory If you have ever had a previous reaction to eyelash extensions or you are sensitive then we would encourage a 24 hour glue patch test.  
you have no concerns then you can have lash extensions without a patch test.
What if I react after my extensions?
Patch testing is not 100% conclusive, reactions may still occur after a patch test and clients can suddenly react even after regular lash appointments. Although the reason for this is still unclear. Should a reaction occur a removal of the lashes will prevent any further complications, and in severe cases you should seek medical advice immediately.
Can I book lashes on the same day?
If there is availability for a lash appointment you may book this without a patch test if you haven't had a previous reaction to eyelash extensions or you are very sensitive.
How do you patch test?
The application of 3-5 short classic eyelash extensions will be applied to your natural lashes as this gives a better indication of a positive or negative result. although this is still not 100% conclusive If any reaction occurs unfortunately we would be unable to complete your eyelash treatment. Please refer to the T&C's in case of a positive reaction.

Patch testing is required minimum of 48 hours prior to your appointment
A small dot of each product will be applied behind the ears. This will contain lash lifting products, adhesive & the tint used for the treatment. If a positive reaction occurs with just the tinting then you would still be able to have a lash lift without the tint. If reaction occurs to both sides then unfortunately we would be unable to complete the treatment. 

Patch testing is required minimum of 48 hours prior to your appointment
A small amount of tint will be applied behind the ear. 


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